'The file is saved in C:\Users\nselmi\AppData\Roaming\Addinsoft\XLSTAT Sub RunMeOnce() 'This procedure needs to be run only once. Call ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.References.AddFromFile("C:\XLSTAT\WorkingDir\XLSTAT-MC2.xla") End Sub Sub MySub() 'This procedure loads and runs the dialog box. 'Remove the 'SettingsFile' parameter if you do not use an external file or the values you entered will be ignored Call LoadRunPCA(Range("Données!$B:$G"), ObsLabels:=Range("Données!$A:$A"), NoScreenUpdating:=True, SettingsFile:="C:\Users\nselmi\AppData\Roaming\Addinsoft\XLSTAT\Form22.txt") End Sub