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DataViz: a charts recommendation tool

Dataset to use with DataViz tool in XLSTAT

The dataset contains the weight and height of 100 men and 100 women.

Setting up the DATA SELECTION part

  • Open XLSTAT

  • Select the XLSTAT/ Visualizing data / DataViz. The dialog box pops up.

  • In the DataViz interface, check Quantitative data. A new dialog box pops up.

  • Select the height and weight columns in the Quantitative data field.

  • In the DataViz interface, check Subsamples. A new dialog box pops up.

  • Select the gender column in the Subsamples field.

  • The RECOMMANDED CHARTS part is updated.



A list of recommended charts is displayed:

  • Use the scroll bar to navigate through them.

  • Select the scattergram to have an idea of the distribution.

  • Click on the Play button in the bottom right corner.



Four Scattergrams are displayed. Click on the right and left arrows to navigate through them.

  • Click on Options tab.

  • Check Group plots.

  • Click on Chart tab to update the results.

  • Two charts are now displayed:

    • First one for male and female height.

    • Second one for male and female weight.



  • Click on Modify colors in the top right corner of RESULTS part.

  • CHART COLORS part appears.

  • Click on first eye icon to well detect which scattergram is for female.

  • Click on first green rectangle. A color picker pops up.

  • Choose Yellow color and click on OK. Displayed scattergram is updated.

  • Click on right arrow to go to the second chart.

  • Click on first green rectangle. A color picker pops up.

  • Choose Yellow color and click on OK. Displayed scattergram is updated.



Click on Export button to export scattergrams to a new worksheet.


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