Sensory analysis
- Liking data analysis in Excel
- R-Index in Excel
- Flash Profiling in Excel
- RATA data analysis in Excel
- Multivariate analysis and clustering on JAR (Just-About-Right) data in Excel
- Create a Products/Assessors table in Excel
- Sample size calculator for sensory discrimination tests in Excel
- Free choice profiling analysis with STATIS in Excel
- Sensory panel analysis in Excel tutorial
- TURF analysis in Excel tutorial
- Sensory shelf life analysis in Excel tutorial
- Sensory wheel tutorial in Excel
- Penalty analysis in Excel tutorial
- STATIS analysis in Excel tutorial
- Preference Mapping in Excel tutorial
- Clustering tables by means of CLUSTATIS with Excel
- Sensory discrimination test with sessions in Excel
- Clustering subjects in a CATA task by means of CLUSCATA
- Analysis of CATA data with CATATIS in Excel
- Run Generalized Procrustes Analysis (GPA) in Excel
- CATA Check-All-That-Apply analysis tutorial in Excel tutorial
- Temporal Dominance of Sensations (TDS) in Excel
- Sensory product characterization in Excel tutorial
- Design an experiment for sensory analysis in Excel
- Analysis of Free Sorting data with Excel
- Analysis of temporal check-all-that-apply (TCATA) data in Excel
- Multiple Factor Analysis (MFA) on frequency tables in Excel
- Multiple Factor Analysis (MFA) in Excel tutorial
- Bradley-Terry model in Excel tutorial
- Analysis of projective mapping data with Excel
- Sensory discrimination triangle test in Excel