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Activate your XLSTAT license through your MyXLSTAT account

This tutorial shows how to activate your XLSTAT license through your MyXLSTAT account.

Create your MyXLSTAT account

Ensure that you created well your MyXLSTAT account and that you linked your license to it. Please see the tutotorial How to link your license to your MyXLSTAT account.

Go to the activation window

After following the first steps of the tutorial Activate your XLSTAT license, you will click on Sign in.

Activate your XLSTAT license

Now, you just have to log in to your MyXLSTAT account.


Once you are logged in, the license assigned to your account will automatically be activated. You will be informed of the successful activation of XLSTAT.


XLSTAT is now activated! Once activated, the Excel ribbon should look like this:


If not, it is likely that XLSTAT couldn't connect to our activation servers. Please refer to our Manual activation tutorial for details on how to proceed.

Feel free to contact our support if you need help. We will be happy to assist you!

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